I find it amazing that six months have passed since mid-March, when we first recognized that the COVID-19 pandemic would affect us directly. None of us could know, then, how long this would go on and how completely it would uproot our lives. It has been difficult, frustrating and sad. For too many people here and all over the world, it has been tragic. Without a real end in sight, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and a little hopeless.
I miss the daily connections we’ve had to give up and so many simple pleasures. I know that my clients do, as well. I must say, though, that I am so grateful that I’ve been able to maintain and deepen relationships with many of my ongoing clients—and to also bond with some new clients --despite the restrictions that were in place for so long.
This is a testament to the humanity of all of us. We want and need that contact and, if it must be virtual, we still engage. We work at it. We connect in any way we can. That resilience, that positive energy despite obstacles, is uplifting to me. It helps me through. It is a pleasure to witness and to experience. We will all be changed by this year and living through it and I believe we will have a new understanding of ourselves and others. While I cannot wait for it to be over, I am trying to find the silver linings. And, for me, my clients are a big part of the happiness and gratitude I feel.
I am glad to be able to offer options to suit the comfort levels of all clients. Each of us must navigate through what we choose to do and not do. It is all good. If you’d like to come back to the studio, we can do that. There are clear benefits to using the full range of equipment and many clients respond well to the atmosphere and experience of a studio session.
But, if you prefer to pursue the ongoing benefits of Pilates via Zoom, from your home, we can do that. Doing the workout from home does not mean it will be an easier session; it can be, in fact, more challenging on many levels as your body is working with and against gravity without any assistance from equipment. Most of my virtual clients are feeling much stronger, in part because we can focus on establishing and emphasizing the mind-body connection and precise form that is so valuable to a strong Pilates practice.
I want to be able to meet your needs and accommodate your choices. I’m here to help you reach your potential through Pilates. And I’m glad you’re here, too.