Initially the workout is slow moving because everything is being explained to you. Eventually, once you learn the exercises, the workout becomes more aerobic as you can work at a faster pace. Some classes and Pilates DVDs alternate classic Pilates moves with sequences of heart-rate boosting exercises for a double-duty effect. You have to work towards it, but Pilates can be cardiovascular.
Pilates has completely transformed my body and the bodies of most of my clients. I think it comes from using the powerhouse and really focusing on and strengthening the abdominal wall, teaching it to lay flat and be strong. If the stomach is sticking out, you're going to train it to stick out. In Pilates you're always thinking of this inward pull as if the navel is going in towards the spine and then lifting up slightly, pulling your entire abdominal wall very flat.
Pilates is also the one form of exercise that works your muscles both concentrically and eccentrically resulting in longer, leaner muscle tone. If you're consistent with it and make a commitment to yourself, you can absolutely see a change in your body.
Premiere Pilates Sarasota is for everyBODY! Our clients consist of all different fitness levels and ages, both male and female. We meet you at your fitness level and will help you progress every step of the way. You will receive hands on personal instruction and corrections will be made throughout your workout so that results can be achieved quickly.