FAQ's - What is Pilates? How is Pilates different from other forms of exercise?

Pilates is a full-body exercise system that uses a variety of machines and series of exercises. It works the entire body, both the right and left sides, in unison. It focuses primarily on what Joseph Pilates called the "powerhouse" or the group of muscles that begins two inches below your navel, goes two inches above your navel and then wraps completely around your front and your back-kind of like a corset. It also includes your buttocks. With Pilates, no matter what exercise you're doing, you are focusing on this powerhouse area.

Pilates is different from most forms of exercises out there because it is non-impact and safe, and it really works on using the body as a whole. Exercises are designed to work your muscles both concentrically (the flexing) and eccentrically (the lengthening).  You are either positioned on  your back,  stomach,  side or kneeling.  When you move the body, you're trying to move it from the powerhouse, using your abdominal wall to protect your back. You're also working the body very evenly and symmetrically, making sure one side is not working harder than the other.


Premiere Pilates Sarasota is for everyBODY! Our clients consist of all different fitness levels and ages, both male and female. We meet you at your fitness level and will help you progress every step of the way. You will receive hands on personal instruction and corrections will be made throughout your workout so that results can be achieved quickly.