Pilates is safe enough to do every day. Initially you may want to do it every day so you establish a rhythm and become consistent; then a good goal is to do it every other day. Joseph Pilates used to say to do it three times a week.
Feeling sore is a very individual thing. Some people don't feel sore. Pilates is what you put into it. If you're really conscious and making an effort to make every movement count, you'll most likely feel something the following day. It also has to do with your athleticism. If you've been sedentary, you're probably going to feel it more than someone who's very active. It's all relative.
Be consistent, especially in the beginning. Don't just try it once. Give it a few tries and do it in succession. Make it your reward, your break from a hectic day. Also, listen to your body and really concentrate — it makes for a better workout.
Someone once told me that you need to "arrive" for Pilates, meaning you have to be there mentally as well as physically. To get the most out of Pilates, you have to be very present. Your body and mind will thank you.
Premiere Pilates Sarasota is for everyBODY! Our clients consist of all different fitness levels and ages, both male and female. We meet you at your fitness level and will help you progress every step of the way. You will receive hands on personal instruction and corrections will be made throughout your workout so that results can be achieved quickly.