Get Up and Get Moving!
It has been said recently that sitting is the new smoking. Loss of
muscle strength, postural issues, and a variety of other issues arise
from being sedentary for prolonged periods of time. For those who are
tied to their desks though there are options! You don’t have to quit
your desk job just add a couple of these into your day!
Get Up, Stand Up
Set an alarm for every half hour. Every time it goes off, you get up.
No matter how into your current task you are or what you are in the
middle of, get up. Take this time to grab a drink of water, walk to
the front of your office, or even jog in place for a minute or two.
The important thing is that you get up and move around.
Engage Your Core
There are plenty of ways to engage your core while sitting. To
encourage better posture you can add a balance & therapy wedge on your
chair. Changing your chair to a stability ball on a base is another
great option! Don’t forget that engaging your core and activating your muscles in a
class after work is a great way to make up for sitting for prolonged
periods of time!
Premiere Pilates Sarasota is for everyBODY! Our clients consist of all
different fitness levels and ages, both male and female. We meet you
at your fitness level and will help you progress every step of the
way. You will receive hands on personal instruction and corrections
will be made throughout your workout so that results can be achieved